
Estudiantes ARQ UC participaron en workshop internacional en Londres: "How do we live? Housing workshop"

Estudiantes de la Escuela de Arquitectura UC participaron en workshop internacional de vivienda colectiva organizado por la Escuela de Arquitectura de la Universidad de Liverpool, Londres.


Desde el 11 al 18 de abril de 2019 se realizó en Londres el workshop Internacional "How do we live? Housing workshop" organizado por la Universidad de Liverpool y guiado por las profesoras Jocelyn Froimovich y Johanna Muszbek, en el que participaron 18 estudiantes, de los cuales 6 pertenecen a la Escuela de Arquitectura UC: Juan Oyarzun, Pedro Stekel, Paulina Vinés, Javiera Paul, Valentina Rojas y Sofia Valenzuela. Nuestra escuela también se hizo presente a través de los arquitectos UC Camilo Meneses y Agustina Labarca, quienes formaron parte del workshop en calidad de ayudantes.

El evento inició con las charlas magistrales de Lawrence Barth (Architectural Association - MA of Housing and Urbanism), titulada “Dwelling Together: Form and Number in Collective Living”, y de Nick Beech (Visiting Lecturer NYU-London), titulada “Historical housing types in London, XIX and XX Century”. Se continuó con dos días de visitas a conjuntos de vivienda por la ciudad de Londres, culminando en "Canary Wharf", recorrido guiado por Lucia Cerrada (Architect and Planner. Public Practice Associate at London Borough of Tower Hamlets). Luego de las visitas a terreno, se inició la etapa de producción, contando con las correcciones de Xavier Aguiló I Aran (BAC Engineering UK Manager - Partner. AA school & UEM lecturer). El último día, se procedió a la presentación final de las propuestas y se armaron paneles de discusión en los que participaron Lawrence Barth (Architecture Association - MA of Housing and Urbanism), Dave King (Shed KM - visiting professor at Liverpool School of Architecture - Royal Institute of British Architects Fellow), Joao Prates Ruivo (Syracuse University), Pietro Pezzani (Forestieri Pace Pezzani), Virginia Rammou (Lecturer at University of Liverpool), Rachel Stevenson (Senior Architect at David Miller Architects - Architecture Historian at Bartlett, UCL, University of Westminster, and visiting critic at the University of Liverpool) y Ben Stringer (Senior Lecturer University of Westminster).

Revisa los resultados del workshop en este link

Workshop Internacional "How do we live? Housing workshop"

Jocelyn Froimovich + Johana Muszbek

A big percentage of a city’s building stock is destined to housing. The sort of housing that is continuously repeated, not the one-of-a kind client-tailored house. As cities’ growth fluctuate, housing demands vary. Thus, housing in a city is a constant enterprise: built, converted, recycled, restored... Housing is the stuff cities are made of Cities house housing. Housing house lives. Lives have changed significantly. Has housing in the city followed these changes? Is urban housing being designed accordingly?

Different lifestyles need different homes. Different homes develop within housing types. Housing types respond to and create a particular urban condition and vice versa. This is a problem that has been thought of before. The question of how to design housing has accompanied the discipline throughout the last century, but many housing design paradigms still remain the same. Thus, the goal of the studio is to design new housing types that expand the existing housing repertoire. These new types will respond to current and future lifestyles and contribute to resolve specific urban demands.

As a third iteration of a program that will analyze different urban scenarios, Project Home will continue with a one week workshop at the London Campus of University of Liverpool, between the 12th and 19th of april, 2019. Following the successful format of the two joint workshops that took place in 2018, this workshop and study trip is open and free to all architecture students of Universidad Católica de Chile. Travel and lodging expenses are to be covered by students.

Contacto: redesarq(at)



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