
Convocatoria workshop Internacional “How do we live? Housing workshop” Shanghai -Suzhou | Julio 12-20

La Escuela de Arquitectura de la Universidad de Liverpool abre 6 vacantes para estudiantes ARQ UC en las etapas de ejercitación y magíster para participar en el workshop de vivienda colectiva a realizarse en Shanghai – Suzhou.
Desde el 12 al 20 de julio de 2019 se realizará en Shanghai el workshop Internacional "How do we live? Housing workshop" organizado por la Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University y guiado por las profesoras Jocelyn Froimovich y Johanna Muszbek.
Los participantes podrán convalidar su participación por 5 créditos. Si bien la inscripción en el workshop no tiene costo, se espera que cada participante pueda financiar su viaje y estadía en Shanghai.

Todos los trámites de visa serán realizados en conjunto y coordinados por el equipo del workshop.

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“How Do We Live?” Housing Workshop / Shanghai-Suzhou / 12th - 19th July 2019
Jocelyn Froimovich, Johanna Muszbek, and José Ángel Hidalgo
Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University

A big percentage of a city’s building stock is destined to housing. The sort of housing that is continuously repeated, not the one-of-a kind client-tailored house. As cities’ growth fluctuate, housing demands vary. Thus, housing in a city is a constant enterprise: built, converted, recycled, and restored. Housing is the stuff cities are made of. Cities house housing. Housing house lives. Lives have changed significantly. Has housing in the city followed these changes? Is urban housing being designed accordingly?

Different lifestyles need different homes. Different homes develop within housing types. Housing types respond to and create a particular urban condition and vice versa. This is a problem that has been thought of before. The question of how to design housing has accompanied the discipline throughout the last century, but many housing design paradigms still remain the same. Thus, the goal of the workshop is to design new housing types that expand the existing housing repertoire . These new types will respond to current and future lifestyles and contribute to resolve specific urban demands.

As part of Project Home , a research and pedagogic programme on housing launched in 2015, the series of workshops How Do We Live? analyse domesticity in different urban scenarios. This series will continue as a collaboration between University of Liverpool School of Architecture and Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University , with a one-week workshop in Shanghai and Suzhou - at Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University . This workshop will take Shanghai and Suzhou’s housing and urban conditions as its case study . The question for this workshop is: what defines the housing crisis of this metropolitan area today? By forcing the notion of crisis as a methodology, students will question a specific London housing type and propose alternative designs for each of them. Following our previous design investigations on ownership models, shared spaces, density, and materiality, this time Shanghai and Suzhou’s housing crisis will be framed through the analysis of transience in chinese cities and the hukou system (household registration record). Transience will be analysed in relationship to residential building types and the urbanity they propose.

We will look closely at some of these cities’ exemplary and banal residential buildings. Analysing the framework in which these housing projects are produced will allow us to assess the relationship between current models of residence and design solutions. The goal is to productively critique preconceived notions of efficiency, programme, and other modernist inheritances so as to envision future schemes.

The workshop will take place in Shanghai and Suzhou between July 12th and 19th, 2019 with a base at Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University.


Contacto: redesarq(at)



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