
Concurso | Lanzamiento del "Architecture Competition of the Jacques Rougerie Foundation"

We are pleased to announce you the opening of the registrations for the 2014 international Architecture Competiton of the Jacques Rougerie Foundation.

The contestant can participate to one of the following award:

“Innovation and Architecture for the Sea” award: € 10 000

“Innovation and Architecture for Space” award: € 10 000

“Architecture and Sea Level Rise award”: € 10 000

 We are counting on you to share this information with all of your students and eventually to your international partners in order to encourage them to participate at this competition (website, social networks, posters, school intranet, emailing etc.). Caution, the registration will close the 27th May 2014 midnight GMT +1 (France).

In the event that one of your students or former students is the winner of the Contest, we would be happy to communicate the name of your school to our partners and media contacts.

For this 2014 edition, a new website entirely dedicated to the contest has been created. This site will allow the participant to register and send their projects more quickly and more easily. You can check it out here:


You will find enclosed our promotional poster (in both French and English) and the competition rules.


If you have any concerns or queries please don't hesitate to contact us.

Ver las bases de la convocatoria

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